If you're looking for inexpensive and thoughtful gifts - whether during the holidays or as a hostess gift when going to barbeques or dinner parties - this...
This recipe goes way back, like 1898 back, when the brownie was first recorded into existence at the Palmer House Hotel in Chicago. Don't rely on the traditional...
Enjoy a homemade treat in less than an hour with a recipe that uses the same skillet to melt the chocolate and bake the brownies. Then scoop them right...
Amazing blondie-cookie bar that tastes like a cross between a fluffernutter sandwich and a peanut butter blossom cookie! Hershey's® chocolate makes it...
This recipe is based on a recipe I found online I wrote down the ingredients on a shopping list but was unable to find the recipe again, so I decided to...
This ultra-moist brownie is made with whole wheat flour and strained Greek yogurt in place of butter or oil. The calcium and high protein content in the...
Oatmeal and nuts are added to this rich, moist, dense brownie recipe to add some extra fiber, texture and health benefits. Tastes great when warm and topped...
These jumbo-sized treats are a brownie lover's dream with bittersweet chocolate and milk- and white-chocolate chips. Plus they're convenient; ready to...
A delicious ice cream sandwich that I make in bulk and freeze for those hot summer days. The brownies by themselves are also a delicious treat and the...
These brownies were something I made up for my son and his Boy Scout troop on a camping trip. I took the general idea of hot cocoa and made it into these...
SOOOOOO sinfully delicious brownies with a chocolate layer on the bottom, a white layer with milk chocolate chips, and a layer of white chocolate chips...
This brownie recipe is from my mom. I have made many batches of these brownies for my daughter's various school functions, etc. It's also really good hot...
I made this recipe in my Cuisinart® Air Fryer Oven and my brownies wound up with a crispy and crackly top yet soft and gooey in the center. Air frying...
A moist and gooey chocolate brownie with pockets of dulce de leche inside and caramel on top. Truly amazing! If you have enough willpower, try and leave...
Yummy homemade brownie mix in a jar. Make a few so it's easy to whip some up in a pinch. Give your non-baker type girlfriend a jar next time you swing...
The batter for these fudgy ginger brownies never actually touches a bowl. Butter and chocolate are melted in a saucepan, and the other ingredients are...
Whether you're taking them to an event or like to stock homemade sweets for your crew, these sheet-pan bar cookies, which keep for up to a month in the...
I received this recipe from a neighbor and it's become one of my favorite desert recipes. They're so delicious I could almost eat the whole pan myself....
Butterscotch Brownie mix in a jar with tag attached with directions on how to prepare the mix. These make wonderful gifts to give any time of year and...